Cutting the grass is something that is often boring and uncomfortable, but must be done. Luckily we don’t have to do this with scissors and knives; we have complex machinery to do it for us. Even with machinery though, mowing the lawn still takes quite a while. So why not make that time entertaining by thinking about the scientific aspects of how they work on the inside?

A Lawn After A Lawn Mower Has Been To Work

First thing to consider is how the mower is powered. We have three options in this regards – we can go with the standard muscle powered lawn mower. You push it along the lawn, the wheels turn the blades and they cut as you go.

Secondly, there is the electric powered mower. An electrical charge rotates the cutting blade and cuts the grass. More often than not, these mowers are also push powered across the lawn although some of the more expensive models drive rear wheels.

Finally, there are petrol lawn mowers. These are the most powerful of lawn mowers and come with their own small combustion engine that powers the cutting blades and in a lot of cases, drive the back wheels and are self-propelled. Naturally, these are usually the most expensive of the three types of mower but if you shop around you can find some cheap petrol lawn mowers to buy.

All mowers operate on the same principle: hit the blades of grass with sharp blades at a high velocity. Different kinds of lawn mowers do this in different ways.

Because push mowers are the cheapest lawn mowers there are, they are also the simplest. The basic structure consists of a cylinder that encloses multiple rotary blades. The cylinder has wheels on its outer edges. These mowers are powered by human muscle, so they use no additional energy input. When the user pushers the mower, force is transferred down the connecting shaft and turns the wheels, which in turn move the blades in a circle. Push mowers make the cleanest cuts.

With other kinds of mowers, the blades are switched from moving in a circular rolling motion across the grass to moving in a horizontal circle while the mower is pushed across the yard. These mowers have gears that transfer force into turning the wheels. These are powered either by electrical current from the nearby house or by burning gasoline in an internal combustion engine. Electric mowers are the more efficient of the two. types, whereas burning gasoline generates more heat.

There is also a new variety of mowers: the robotic mowers. These advanced gadgets run on rechargeable batteries and require no supervision. One simply sets up a wire around the square area to be mowed and sets the root loose. One bot can successfully mow up to 5 acres of lawn!

Personally, I’d always go for a petrol lawn mower as you’ll never know when you need the extra power their engines can give. And if I had to stick my neck out, I’d vouch for the McCulloch M40-450c as it is both cheap and powerful and will do a good job of your lawn!

With that out of the way you can finally get to that overgrown grass. Hopefully you’ll have enough random facts about lawn mowers to keep your mind occupied during those long hot summer mowing days!